中国大陆 / 90 分钟



电影《热带》通过一个“父亲寻子”的故事,关注中国城市化进程中人的精神处境。湖北老人许贵有,从老家来广东寻找失踪多年的儿子。儿子许望大学毕业之后下落不明。 老许通过种种蛛丝马迹来搜寻儿子的信息。他先后遇到了儿子的前老板、同学、前房东、前女友,派出所民警,在这些人的讲述中,儿子失败形象得以呈现。儿子虽然最终并没有出现,但在他身上,却积聚着中国城市化进程中一代农村出身者的迷茫,既要解决生存问题,又要解决“身份认同”的难题。 在许贵有寻子的过程中,草根小混混阿龙始终陪伴着他。两个人从陌生到亲切,演绎了一段令人唏嘘动容的温情。但最终,为了帮助许贵有返乡,阿龙再次偷窃,结果被抓。 本片拍摄地东莞有一百多万本地人口,流动人口却有七八百万。通过对这城市里外来者命运的细微剖析,《热带》将探讨打工潮与移民潮所带来的种种社会现象:大学生就业、城乡冲突、外来工精神归属、传统家庭伦理的压抑与释放…… By telling a story about a father searching his son, the movie“tropic” focus on mental situation of people who are being urbanized. An old man called Xu Guiyou,, comes to Guangdong province to search his son who has been lost for many years. from hometown Hubei province.His son is named Xu Wang and has been lost since he graduated from university. In the process of looking for Xu Wang, Xu Guiyou finds many clues. He meets his son’s ex-boss, classmate, ex-landlord, ex-girlfriend and a policeman. By talking to those people, Xu Guiyou find that his son doesn’t do well ,either in his job or his relationship. In the end, Xu Guiyou still can’t find his son. However , from the character of Xu Guiyou, we can see the countrymen’s confusing when they are being urbanized. In this process, they not only have to find jobs to support themselves, but also have to identifying themselves in a complete new way, which is a rather difficult problem. When Xu Guiyou is looking for his son, a hooligan called A Long accompanies him. At first, they are totally strangers. But after many things, they become very intimate. In the end of the movie, in order to raise money for Xu Guiyo’s returning to home, A Long steals from someone, and finally gets arrested. The movie is shot in DongGuang which has a native population of 1, 000,000. But in the city ,there are also 7,000,000 to 8,000,000 floating population. By analyzing fate of those people, the movie” tropic” shows us social phenomena in urbanization, including job hunting, urban-rural conflict, spiritual belonging, and so on.

