Transnistria Trafficking Arms On Europe's Doorstep



This is the story of a country that dooes not exist … a country that has escaped all international countrol since it’s birth in 1990: The Republic of Transnistria. A tiny strip of land half the size of Corsica to the East Romania, between Moldova and the Ukraine. It’s said that behind this border [Narrator's car approaches Transnistrian border checkpoint] which cannot be found on any map … you can buy any kind of weapon you like. Weapons the international community says will wind their way with complete impunity into the hands of rebel groups and terrorists operating in the Caucases and Africa, and more recently Iraq. At present the international community is not in any position to take action in Transnistria, a land that recognises only one judge and master, Russia. The post-soviet regimes in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgystan collapsed before Russia could do anything about it. An unthinkable scenario in Tiraspol [capital of Transnistria]. The republic of Transnistria: - A country that doesn’t exist but still regards Stalin as one of mankind’s greatest heroes - A country that can raise an army of 17,000 troops in a matter of weeks and has several thousand tonnes of arms and munitions at it’s disposal. - A country that let 100 nuclear suitcase bombs disappear from its munitions depots and owned 38 radioactive rockets whose current location no one knows. - A country that is strongly suspected of illegally traficking arms on the international market that continues to sidestep all control. In September 2005 The Republic of Transnistria celebrated the 15th anniversary of it’s independence