Curbside Confessions
美国 / 106 分钟



Curbside Confessions is composed of four main stories taking place in one night and how the decisions made by the characters from each story effect the lives of characters from other stories. Each story deals with its own story arc. One of the stories, titled Call of Duty, deals with the call of duty; when does one forsaken duty for loved ones. Another, Paid in Full, deals with the distance one man would go for his undying loyalty towards his best friend. Another, Hand We`re Dealt/Fruition, deals with one man`s choice between a way of life he feels he can not change and the way of life he wants to give his loved one. The last story arc, Partners, deals with the partnership between two hitmen. The main theme deals with how our decisions not only effect our lives, but the lives of others and in turn how their decisions effect our lives. We are all held accountable for our actions - choose wisely.
