厄瓜多尔,阿根廷 / 82 分钟



In 1999, Ecuador’s banking system collapsed in the wake of a corruption scandal. These events provide the historical context for sixteen-year-old Juan Pablo’s enforced sojourn with his rich uncle and his family. Pensive Juan has absolutely no use for either this corrupt banker who has withdrawn to his refuge in the Andes, or his ignorant sons. One night he observes his uncle’s cronies brutally mishandling a man they discover tampering with their cars. After Juan Pablo helps one of the victim’s companions to escape, the pair soon discovers they have more in common than this incident. The young man, Juano, comes from the pueblo nearby, rides an old motorbike and earns a living repairing tyres. He also likes listening to heavy metal. Juan Pablo finds the courage to pursue his hitherto unknown feelings for this attractive boy, even though he has no idea if his feelings are reciprocated. Weeks go by. These are turbulent times – and not just for the country, for Juan Pablo himself things are beginning to falter. (Berlinale 2014)

