阿塞拜疆 / 107 分钟



The romantic relationship of the main characters Zaur and Tahmina starts off with passionate affair and leads to many problems in a conservative society. Zaur (Fakhraddin Manafov), who is the son of a prominent and well-to-do professor (Professor Zeynally) falls in love with Tahmina (Meral Konrat), who is a divorced TV anchor admired by many of her colleagues and friends of Zaur's family which causes periodic jealousy on part of Zaur. Zaur is so much in love that he flies to Moscow after Tahmina when she's sent there on an assignment. Zaur's family condemns the relationship and tries to divert Zaur to a family arranged marriage with the daughter (Firangiz) of family friends. Pressure from the society and continuous calls from Zaur's mother (Zarnigar Aghakishiyeva) to Tahmina eventually lead to big problems in their relationship culminating in break up and Tahmina's suffering. Zaur listens to the advice of his parents, marries the family friend's daughter.

