Cry Havoc
美国 / 61 分钟



Lost among the violent tides of World War II and the cold, barren landscapes of an Italian winter, an American Sniper struggles to keep his soul intact. Endlessly he murders German soldiers from afar and this begins to breakdown the unsteady walls of his sanity. A new victim is placed before him. Yet instead of killing this particular German soldier, who is guarding a nameless road somewhere in Italy, he endeavors to watch the unsuspecting soldier through the scope on his rifle. This action brings about an epiphany which slowly begins to heal the Sniper's damaged soul. The realization that the enemy is human. Volker is the German soldier that the Sniper watches from a far. Volker's antics, displayed vividly and uninhibitedly by the certainty of his solitude, convey a message to the Sniper among the trees.

