The Gods of Times Square
美国 / 33 分钟



The Gods of Times Square is a documentary about a rich culture of religionists (myself included) who are drawn to the electric buzz of this fabled human meeting ground. There, at the 'crossroads of the world', amidst it's cathedral-like spires, we arrive to profess the creeds of wildly differing varieties of personal religious experience. I am a New Yorker who loves Times Squares' diversity and grew up in the poolrooms, sideshows and arcades of the early sixties I am comfortable there and people seem to come out of the woodwork to talk to me and my video camera about their deepest thoughts. I act as a 'Zelig-like' catalyst for the preachers and mystics who are itching to talk about God, but also about the interrelation of religion, race, ethics, economics and politics. This talk of life's deeper meaning happens against the backdrop of the omnipresent images of the pop and consumer culture"
