Defining Edward
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Meet Edward Cobb, a depressed, pill popping X-rated cartoonist with no girlfriend, no money and little in life to look forward to. Everything changes when Edward has an allergic reaction, which leads to a mild concussion. Waking confused in the hospital, Edward wanders out into a now unfamiliar world only to collapse again in the middle of nowhere. Returning to consciousness, Edward finds himself attended to by the man who found him, Brian, a doctor. Suffering from amnesia, Edward is offered a helping hand from Brian, who believes he can restore his memory. As pieces of his past slowly return, Edward is introduced to the other residents of the house, Anna, a fragile, introverted artist, and Nick, a foul mouthed, beer and whiskey fueled welder. Divisions appear as the residents of the house take different vastly different approaches to assist Edward in his struggle to regain his identity.
