Les cahiers retrouvés de Nina Vyroubova
法国,俄罗斯 / 95 分钟



Once upon a time there was a little girl named Nina. Born in Crimea, she and her mother left the country for France. She was only three when they settled down in the town of Meudon. There, Nina's mum became a dance teacher and the little girl soon became a little figure - dancer. After taking classes with famous names of Russian dance mistresses (Trefilova, Preobrajenja, Egorova) she became a dancer in a troupe. In 1946 a good fairy named Roland Petit chose her to be the star of Henri Sauguet's ballet « Les Forains ». Three years later the miracle continued for the little refugee from Meudon, the immense choreographer Serge Lifar called upon her to replace the star dancer of the Paris Opera, Yvette Chauviré. She was now a prima ballerina. Combining her high technical level with a taste for lyricism, mysticism and expressiveness, she furthered her career in the troupe of the Marquis de Cuevas. Until in the mid-1960s, she considered time was ripe for retirement - and for transmission. ...
