Dangerous Encounters: Venomland
美国 / 45 分钟



Brady Barr travels to Australia, a country that boasts some of the deadliest creatures on Earth and where venom reigns supreme. With more toxic species per square km than anywhere else in the world Australia is truly Venomland. Brady Barr, National Geographic's resident herpetologist, has been working with deadly animals for almost 20 years. In this program, Brady travels to Australia, a country that boasts some of the deadliest creatures on Earth and where venom reigns supreme. Australia's deadliest creatures are everywhere, lurking in the bush, skulking in underwater hide-outs and invading our homes. From the great white sharks to saltwater crocodiles, the land Down Under is well-know for its high concentration of dangerous creatures. It has been noted that there are more toxic species per square kilometre in Australia than on any other continent. And with so many venomous creatures, Brady Barr believes it's time to give Australia a new nickname - Venomland.
