Wired Angel
美国 / 95 分钟



WIRED ANGEL is a 95 minute feature film, photographed in 16mm Black & White which uses striking and unusual means to convey the story and legend of Joan of Arc. Far from being a conventional `biopic` or Hollywood interpretation, WIRED ANGEL penetrates the veil of history visually and distills the essences of this story in a silvery nocturnal landscape that is post-industrial but enmeshed with medieval iconography. With shots of Joan in her prison cell forming a visual core and with echoing voices narrating excerpts from her interrogation, the dark claustrophobic shots give way to visionary and hallucinatory images that trace Joan`s career through dangerous journeys, from childhood visions and into sacred and profane spaces; battlegrounds, Churches, the prison where doubt and truth collide, and finally into the flames at the stake.
