美国 / 90 分钟



Five people are brought together by faith to become aware of their truths. August Wells, an undercover agent who dedicates his life to his job. He only has one wish in life and that is to find love and when he finds it he will do anything to hold to it. Fritz Hess, a mysterious man who is filled with hatred. He believes he is pure and seeks revenge on all those who are not like him. Bernard, a single father who prides himself on being the "good guy". He dedicates his life to his daughter but has doubts every step of the way. Lisa, a spy, she is lost and misguided. After falling in love, she tries desperately to find a fresh start. Zara, a self-proclaimed rapper who thinks he is destined for greatness. He will do anything for fame and money and no one can stand in his way. Their truths bring them together, denying them the opportunity to ever go back.

