Killer Shorts
美国 / 86 分钟



The three unique tales. 'Puncture' - Dale and Gwen are having a typical night at home. Then one phone call changes everything. Suddenly, they find themselves in a dire situation and must contend with the evil in the darkness if they ever want to see the light again. It seems vampires are real...or are they? 'The Last Rendezvous' - Rubin & Samantha and Wendell & Angela are two couples who are in for the time of their lives when a scandal leads them all to an abandoned house. Now a killer stalks and terrorizes them without mercy. can they escape the masked maniac or will they die trying? 'Navstar' - Follow many travelers as they rely on the G.P.S. system to direct them to their destinations. When these strangers all are lead to the same mysterious place, they must confront an evil that lurks and waits for fresh victims.

