World Cupp 2011



Popular Indian Team Cricket team Captain, Ravi Indulkar, is disgraced after being exposed by Live India Reporter, Bala, of accepting a bribe from Bookie Shobhan to lose the World Cup 2007 to Pakistan. While the police and a Member of Parliament, Abu Bhai, were also involved, the media chose only to show the nexus between Ravi and his team, and the owner of Queenfisher Airlines, Ajay Wallya. The Bookie does not come up with the bribe-money, Ravi and his team-mates not only get banned for four years, they face more criticism from their respective families and fans, & he gets dumped by his long-time girlfriend, Soha. Without them, the cricket team loses heavily against Zimbabwe and Bangladesh, and the Coach, upon being approached by Ravi, decides to give them a second chance much to the chagrin of the BICI Chair. With the World Cup 2011 looming close, Ravi and his team must prove their loyalty to their fans and ensure a win, as well as try and make amends with their loved ones.

