Kill Your Inner Child



The world of "Kill Your Inner Child" is based on the true tales of screenwriter/author Samuel Bernstein's mondo-beyondo childhood with his bipolar, explosive-yet-charming father, Adam. Sam is a six year-old Kidnap Victim, Texas Slave, Vegas Runaway, Jew in Egypt, Mama's Boy Without a Mom, and potential Homicidal Maniac with a tragic lack of mechanical reasoning skills. He brings a resourceful sense of feeling and fantasy to every situation, like an emotional MacGyver-no jury-rigged tools-but plenty of metamorphic ideas for making human contact. His father, Adam, the Naked Dad, is a self-proclaimed Socialist and the Smartest Person in the World. He'll tell you so himself. And after his divorce from Sam's mother he takes all the kids with him, though he doesn't have custody. As Adam supports various left wing causes in South America and the Middle East he takes the whole brood, three boys a little girl and his new young wife.
