Living Life or Waiting to Die
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The film tells a story of two roommates; Jason (Adam Weidl) and Greg (Graeme McComb) who are both forced to confront their own demons. Jason is your typical "bar guy" who goes out every weekend and tries to pick up women. He never really thinks too much about his own future and never makes any long term goals. Frustrated with his current situation he finds himself at a crossroad, an early mid-life crisis. When confronted by his roommate about his life-style Jason decides to take his destiny into his own hands. Greg, on the other hand comes across as a man who has things figured out, however, as always, that could not be further from the truth. Greg has his own demon that he never faced, a ghost from the past that continues to control his life. As Jason comes to terms with is own identity, Greg is also forced to re-examine his own choices in life.

