The Rest of Your Life



It's Friday afternoon, and Dave McGuiness has a problem. Last night, his longtime girlfriend, Karen, told him that she wants to get married. She'd like an answer by Monday, but Dave's not sure he's ready to propose. As Dave starts to share his feelings with family and close friends on the pros and cons of getting married, he learns that the rumor mill is two steps ahead of him. Everyone in the South Suburbs of Chicago already thinks he and Karen are "officially" engaged. Dave's buddy Marv knows just what will help Dave forget the dilemma for a while. He takes Dave, Dave's brother Ben and their friend Al out to party on the town all weekend. Marv figures that if this is Dave's last weekend before he pops the question, it had better be one he won't soon forget. But Dave figures that if he does marry Karen, he may never get a chance to try something else, and the rest of his life won't be much more than night after night in these same bars.
