Pants in the Family
美国 / 27 分钟



So who really wears the Pants in the Family? Clyde Singletary, father of two and husband to stay-at-home wife, Brenda, believes he does. As the sole bread-winner and recipient of a new promotion, and of the coveted corner office, this Brooks Brothers suit-wearing corporate executive also believes Brenda should have his dinner hot, ready and waiting for him the moment he gets home. But that rarely happens; a phenomenon that he has yet to comprehend, being that she has "practically nothing to do all day." Things come to a head one particular day after Clyde has battled with office politics, dealt with his rush hour commute home and is met with a lack-luster greeting from his children, Marcus (4) and Brianna (15). Once again, Brenda has not completed dinner. Additionally, she's seems more interested in finishing her telephone gossip session than with greeting her husband. Clyde explodes.
