Never Come Back
英国 / 150 分钟共3集



In the very early days of WWII, a young London journalist meets a mysterious woman who offers him just what he was after - a lot of free love. But when he tries to get to know her better, things turn nasty and he becomes a target of some homicidal characters with apparent links to a high-level political conspiracy. This is a cracking homage to Hitchcock's 39 Steps, re-working some obviously borrowed situations to great effect and in an ultimately much darker story. A 3-part mini-series, it was directed by Ben Bolt (who a decade later made Forgotten, one of the best crime mini-series ever) and scripted by David Pirie (creator of the equally impressive Murder Rooms) from the novel by John Mair. Lots of snappy dialogue here among other pleasures: 'What name did you use?' - 'Chips. I wanted to hear them say goodbye.'
