Nr. 13
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In an old city courtyard on the east side of Oslo we follow the funny people who lives there; Mr and Mrs Skau (Aud Schønemann and Helge Reiss) are an old married couple who runs a dry cleaning company. They want to sell it, but unfortunately not many are interested in buying it. Mrs. Skau is the courtyard's midpoint who always have waffles and coffee ready for the residents. Mr. Skau is stuck in the past from his time as a ski jumper. Unn-Berit (Marit A. Andreassen) is a restless teacher in her 30's who lives with a Lithuanian jazz musician named Leck (Hans Rønningen). Though he may not be her dream man, she deeply wants a husband and some kids. She wants to find the ultimate way of living, so she's always on the run doing all kinds of different things. Roger (Geir Kvarme) is the ultimate contradiction to Unn-Berit.
