First Time



First Time tells the tale of Cyndi (Barbie) and Lukas (Joshua), two teenagers who met one summer at the beach. An unfortunate accident involving Lukas's mother unfortunately forced him and his popular balladeer father named Jaime (Eric Quizon) to migrate abroad. Two years later, Lukas returns to his home country and is admitted to the same school as Cyndi's. The change in Lukas is undeniable. Once a cheerful and fun-loving boy, Lukas has turned sullen and socially aloof even to his old friend, Cyndi. Cyndi and her best friend Baste (Jhake) vows to help Lukas come to terms with the misfortunes he experienced in the past. The three youngsters become inseparable, passing most of their time at Baste's place while listening to music. Curiously, both Baste and Lukas, who had nothing much in common, are secretly in love to Cyndi. But their friendship will face another challenge when a deep and dark secret buried beneath the past unfolds, one that will question their identities.
