Environmental Protection Guardians
中国大陆 / 88 分钟



小飞操场罚站的时候两人分享秘密时徐莉莉才得知。这时关少雄又欺负窦豆,被小飞给救了,小飞受了点伤,第二天桌子上放着一个创可贴。彼此的关系也发生了改变。原本不想参加秋游的闪闪也在唐老师的开导下开始转变观念。 电影海报途中五个孩子因好奇不知不觉迷路了,来到一个非常神奇的地方。在那里他们同一群小孩进行了真挚的交流,其中有寻找偷吃香蕉而掉队的关少雄,到教室看三娃上课,吃土法烤红薯,爬树摘菠萝蜜,喝井水,临行时三娃妈妈送给何小飞一个玉佩。又是不知不觉中五人回到了红树林。家长和老师终于放下心。并且三娃竟是何小飞爸爸的小时候!此时一个电话又传来了一个不好的消息。窦豆的爸爸生病了,家里却没钱看病。得知情况后四个孩子决定帮助窦豆。慢慢窦豆爸爸好转了,何小飞爸爸也决定改过自新,整改厂子,2011年夏秋之际,转眼孩子们已经毕业,带着怀念,带着幻想,带着回忆,他们将继续以后的道路。一张老照片依旧泛着浓浓的记忆。He Xiaofei is a naughty boy who also likes sleeping and dreaming. Oneday he was punished due to sleeping in class while his deskmate Xu Lili was laughing at him. Miss Tang announces that school is going to hold an Autumn Trip on Friday. Students are so exciting except Doudou who is poor. At the same time parents also have different opinions about the autumn trip. Dou was worrying about the fee but He Xiaofei helped him on his own way. The secret was known by Xu Lili when she were sharing secrets with Xiaofei. Just the time Dou was beated by Guan Shaoxiong who is always the most dominance one in class, Fei came and saved Dou, they became friends, which satisified Xu Lili. And Shanshan who is an unsocial girl starts to change her mind under the guide of Miss Tang.During the autumn trip, five children lost their way home and they appeared on a magic and explendid place where was unfamiliar with them. They made friends with local children and communicated with them freely and happily, for example, the four was finding Guan Shaoxiong who was missing because of his greedy, and they hearing Sanwa’s dream about the future in rural classroom, then eating roasted ptatoes in Sanwa’s home, and finally Sanwa’s mother gave He Xiaofei a special jade. Five children were back to reality with no consciousness like they left the true world while ago. All to them were in dream. At last their parents and teacher loose their tense, however, a bad news comes suddenly.Doudou’s father was hospitalization because of the pollution in Fei’s father’s factor2y. Then Xu Lili, He Xiaofei, Guan Shaoxiong and Shan Shan start to help him but they make some mistakes. Day after day Dou’s father recovered and Xiaofei’s father changed his mind determining to improve his factor2y. The five children are going to be graduated and they all swearing to become the real environmental protection guardians. Holding memories, bringing imagination, keeping love they are still growing. That trip, that secences, still clear, like ever real happened, but also like a dream. And there is an old photo still contains lots of mistery momories related to these five little boys and girls. 爱心小天使

