Stories of Love: The Anthology Series
新加坡 / 70 分钟



When a sadistic father dies from a heart attack, he leaves over S$40 million in cash and assets to his estranged children: Ronald, a self-reliant businessman who loves the sound of his own voice, Marilyn, the diva actress, Simon, the depressed writer, Chris, the trouble-making rebel, and a goof-ball Indian, known simply as Taj, whom everyone assumes is an illegitimate child. At the reading of the will, it is discovered that all is not as easy as it seems. The conditions of the will stipulate that the children have to spend 72 hours confined in the house they grew up in to get the inheritance. "The Celebration" is a family comedy that covers the seventy-two agonizing hours the estranged siblings are forced to spend together in order to get their inheritance.
