Wake-Up Callz
美国 / 93 分钟



Somewhere in space time an evil entity disguised as a comet circles the galaxies in search of memories, in search of souls, in search of Takeover. It came upon a planet whose people resisted the darkness and vowed to defeat the shadows in the future on the planet Earth. Years later, before the comet approached Earth, a science team was dispatched to implant infertile human females with alien DNA programmed to wake-up at a predetermined time and place. Somehow, the Comet Consciousness learned of the awakening and altered the time line to prevent it. In the shadow time line, one of the alien special seeds Kristaya Turner, dreams of alternate realities and seeks the help of Doctor Dream. Aided by corrupt world leaders, the Comet Consciousness already controls most of Earth, whose willing participants don't suspect that their memories are being stolen through video games, and re-packaged for sale to galactic dealers.

