Virgin Again
美国 / 90 分钟



VIRGIN AGAIN is the cinematic story of Kali, a woman whose life is torn apart by adultery, and yet sewn back together by love and forgiveness. Is there a God? Can a broken heart be mended? These are some of the questions going through Kali's mind as she discovers that David, her poor struggling artist husband, who she has supported financially for years, has fallen into adultery. He flagrantly flaunts his affair in front of her face in their home one afternoon, and she retaliates in anger by seeking her own affairs. In a motel room, in the very act of adultery, she gets caught by preachers who throw her at the feet of JESUS. He lovingly forgives her after challenging the self righteous ministers with the classic statement: 'The guy without sin in his life, let him throw the first rock at her.' Vultures paparazzi camped in front of her house, jab cameras in her face and ask sordid questions about her affair.

