Solange Du hier bist
德国 / 77 分钟



Sebastian, a young male prostitute, is one of Georgs few remaining chances to break through his hermit-like everyday life in exchange for a few fleeting moments of being together with someone at least for a few hours. Georg loves Sebastians easy-going and playful manner. He loves the absurd stories that the boy spontaneously comes up with and Georg never knows whether to actually believe all of them or not. And it looks like today Georgs long cherished dream will finally come true: this time the boy asks him if he can stay overnight of his own free will. Georg does everything to fully enjoy the rare and valuable moments he hopes for more. Yet the more Georg dares to get closer to the boy, the more Sebastian breaks off contact with him. Within a short space of time, the boy seems to age by many years. He is looking for help. Georgs hopes are shattered. They start arguing. However, that very same evening, Sebastian is standing in front of his door again. He has come to say goodbye. By the light of a torch, the last remaining night becomes a declaration of love to the time they spent together and to all the people encountered for a short and fleeting moment a moving revolt against lifes transitoriness! 年老的高格虽然过着丰衣足食的中产阶级生活,但内心却孤独无助。他的生活完全围绕着一名叫作塞巴斯蒂安的男妓,为他过生日、为他准备早餐、录下他说的每一句话。当塞巴斯蒂安向他倾吐心事时,两人的关系开始发生微妙改变……

