please remove your shoes
美国 / 89 分钟



Please Remove Your Shoes details the shocking lack of oversight, planning, and leadership within the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and how its corrupt management continues to knowingly expose the U.S. to terrorist attacks. The film is the brainchild of executive producer Fred Gevalt, a pilot and aviation publisher, who was galvanized to expose the TSA's weaknesses after watching the burgeoning size and influence of the agency since its creation after 9/11. Please Remove Your Shoes asks the question that makes Washington squirm: Are our skies safer after 9/11? The answer is disturbing. The TSA was formed by the federal government in the fall of 2001 to tighten security on airplanes and protect people in the air and on the ground. However, within the TSA, direct disobedience of agency charter, subversion of management practices, secrecy and terrifying abuses of power expose citizens to the very threats the agency is tasked to prevent. Undercover recordings and testimony from original TSA congressional lawmakers, federal air marshals, airport screeners, and security testing agents reveal horror stories of a government agency run completely amok.

