美国 / 88 分钟



High school, road trips, and the lost art of pool cleaning. In the vein of classic 80s teen comedies, BROKE follows the adventures of four friends who try to plan a weekend trip to Canada. Marshall Tucker has just survived the last day of his junior year of high school. To celebrate, he and his three best friends plan to head north of the border to Canada for the weekend. However, the venture soon takes a turn for the worse when Marshall's trusty Chevy Nova dies during their departure. Their solution; convince their friend Vern to take his parents minivan while they're away for a week on a shady religious retreat. Before the group even gets out of Chicago, they end up in a bizarre car accident, wrecking the minivan. Now it's up to them to find a way to raise a thousand dollars to fix the van before Vern's parents return home.

