Citizen Duane
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Intelligent high school senior Duane Balfour has long lived by the principles of his father, Cecil Balfour, to stand up for what he believes in at whatever cost. Duane`s fervor is in large part because Cecil died for his principles, he who was viewed as a lunatic. Duane`s primary target is his classmate Chad Milton. Although Chad easily gets whatever he wants in life because of who he is, he is largely a symbol for Duane of the entire Milton clan, the richest family in town who have long ruled what happens and who was also the target of Cecil`s views. Many of those in Duane`s life believe Duane`s single-mindedness against Chad is misguided and makes him seen as a lunatic like his father was viewed. Those people include his exasperated mother Bonnie Balfour, his exasperated on again/off again girlfriend Molly Buckley, and his caring teacher, Miss Houston.

