...Be yom hashlishi
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This is a movie about people caught up in the moment just before a large or small change is about to take place in their lives. A combination of chance and fate delude the protagonists throughout. The movie attempts to describe the life of individuals in contemporary Israeli society, and the almost impossible attempt to simply live one`s life. Whether he is a regular citizen or an important "boss", the life of every Israeli is consciously or unconsciously shaped by the national state of affairs. This "state of affairs" filters into his life and into his very being, at times in a destructive and irrevocable manner. Most often, the individual remains unaware of the influence that the big picture - the country suffering tremendous pressures from both inside and outside - has on his personal state of being. This influence resembles a cloud hovering over us while we scurry about on the ground below - like aimless ants who have lost their hill.

