The Bridgeman
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This epic story takes place between 1820 and 1860 during the Habsburg Monarchy, and portrays the life one of the greatest Hungarian aristocrats - Count Széchenyi - who was born with extra-ordinary mental and spiritual talents. In the years following the fall of Napoleon the young count Széchenyi irresponsibly seduces his brother's wife, and the consequent scandal ruins his career as an army officer. After the sudden death of his humiliated lover Count Széchenyi drastically changes his character from that of a shallow young man into a responsible nobleman seeking to conquer his fate by creating great achievements in his remaining life. A great friendship and a special new love help the count to overcome all other obstacles. Széchenyi becomes one of the most famous politicians of his time. He is chosen as the leader of the opposition, and as such he becomes the enemy of the Habsburgs.

