Made in India
美国,印度 / 95 分钟



In San Antonio, TX, Lisa and Brian Switzer sell their house and risk all their savings on a Medical Tourism company. This company promised them an affordable solution after 7 years of infertility. Across the world in Mumbai, India, Aasia Khan puts on a burka - not for religious reasons - but to hide her identity from neighbors as she enters a fertility clinic to be implanted with this American couple's embryos. These are the scenes that unfold as we watch East meet West in suburbs and shanty-towns, in test tubes and Petri dishes, in surrogates and infertile couples. MADE IN INDIA is a feature length documentary film about the human experiences behind the phenomena of "outsourcing" surrogate mothers to India. The film looks at a US couple whose struggle with infertility has led them to seek a surrogate mother to carry their child, and the Indian surrogate who chooses to carry their fetuses for a fee.
