Sipakapa no se vende
危地马拉 / 55 分钟



The steep environmental and human costs of gold mining lead Maya communities in the Sipakapa municipality of Guatemala to exercise their right to be consulted about the expansion of mining operations into their area. The outcome of their plebiscite is a resounding 'No!" to mining. An independent documentary done by Alvaro Revenga (Caracol Producciones, 2005) that analyzes the debate on mining exploitation in Sipakapa (San Marcos, Guatemala) and demonstrates the dignity of the Sipakapan people as they defend their autonomy in the face of imposing neo-liberal mega projects financed by the World Bank. The film depicts local resistance from the Sipakapan community to the operations of Glamis Gold (a Canadian mining company). Glamis Gold has made significant profits from its open pit, cyanide-leaching mining operations in Guatemala and Honduras, at the expense of the local and indigenous populations.
