Finding a Dream
美国 / 84 分钟



Evan Johnson thinks he knows what he wants to do with his life, but he begins to have doubts. He thinks he wants to go to business college and work his way up the corporate ladder, but he is secretly torn between that and his true passion, writing. His girlfriend, Lena Parker, wants to become an actress. However, Lena's father, Maurice, wants her to attend the business college Evan is planning to attend. It is also the same college Maurice attended, as well as his father and grandfather. However, they have no performing arts department whatsoever... Maurice doesn't really give much regard to other people's dreams in life, as he had to set his own aside. At this point, he feels he was prudent to set his dream (becoming a musician) aside and he feels Lena should do the same, in the name of practicality and a secure future. Will Evan find his dream? Will Maurice rediscover his dream?
