Blood and Roses
美国 / 105 分钟



Life gets complicated for an assertive female sociopath (Carrie-Anne) when she discovers that the man she tried and failed to kill, Morgan Bane, is himself a serial killer. What's strange is that Bane seems bent, not on vengeance, but on making Carrie-Anne aware of what he calls 'the sanctity of death,' a spiritual path based on an ancient Japanese atonement ritual. Adding to Carrie-Anne's problems is her younger sister, Suzanne, who just arrived for a visit after being on spiritual retreat in India. Carrie-Anne wants Suzanne to move in with her so they can be a family again, but Suzanne has other plans: She wants her older sister to forgive their father, who sexually abused Carrie-Anne as a teen. Carrie-Anne wants nothing to do with forgiveness, and she reminds Suzanne of their promise, made years before: No contact with Dad, ever.
