Game Over: The Secret Life of Game Store Clerks
美国 / 86 分钟



Bruce is a 30 something game store clerk that spends his days waging an epic war on the retail front, battling against the forces of evil such as Becky the assistant manager at the adjoining video store (who not so secretly hates him for rejecting her romantic advances), an onslaught of snot nose bratty kids, grouchy soccer moms and all around rude patrons with his own personal brand of `Customer Service`. Aided in his efforts by his constant companion (and best friend) Drapehs, a mysterious young masked avenger, and the famous Mexican masked wrestler `El Farto`, Bruce soon finds out that GameMasters, his job and comfort zone of the past five years, will be closed down and turned into a porn section by the new, indifferent owners. In the midst of sudden change and adventure, Bruce manages to save a friend, get saved by a friend, win a Guitar Hero tournament, conquer the aforementioned overzealous Rent-A-Cop, and at long last, get the girl.

