Buried at Sea
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Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of highly toxic materials lie scattered on ocean floors - in barrels that are rusting away and releasing their lethal contents. The results could make Chernobyl look like a child's chemistry experiment gone awry. While we worry about weapons of mass destruction in the hands of rogue states, the West's legacy may prove far more dangerous. During the Second World War, Canada produced more chemical weapons than any other of the Allies. After the war, and during the Cold War era, massive weapons stockpiles were simply dumped into the ocean by the United States, Britain, Canada, the Soviet Union and Germany. They were considered buried and done with. Problem solved - forever. In many cases, nobody ever bothered to mark their locations. Information about known dumps was either mishandled or suppressed. This documentary takes us on a journey to discover some of the most dangerous dump sites. The oceans are vast and unknown; it took almost 90 years to find the wreck of the Titanic. Finding weapons lying underwater will prove infinitely harder - and far more urgent, since the health of marine species and coastal communities is at risk. Buried at Sea takes us on that search. 二次世界大战结束时,世界上很多国家剩下了所囤积的大量的化学武器没有使用,政府非常希望将这些武器处理掉,就将这些武器送到了海底。现在,盛放芥子气的桶已经开始被腐蚀,还有很多武器兵工厂的地点不明,类似的问题非常多
