Something That Sticks
德国 / 70 分钟



Two eccentric, moral less "low budget" music producer brothers, Ron and Walter Krepps, have come to Germany to create a pop star for the sole reason of advertising an upcoming energy drink named "Speedy Boy". This is the brothers` one "last shot" in their fifteen year career in producing and promoting bands within their company MAXIMUM POTENTIAL. All their previous ventures in punk, new wave and metal bands have failed due to their cheap low budget methods, bad decision making and general lack of talent. We follow them, reality TV style, on their last ride as these old school promoters attempt to transform a young boy to a pop star in a small amount of time with their hand picked crew of misfit assistants including a permanently stoned music director, an overly flamboyant dance choreographer and a morose but sympathetic secretary. As we build up to the final "concert showcase", we finally understand the reason for Ron and Walter`s constant failures. It is in their nature!
