Goða Ferð
德国 / 75 分钟



The Movie The film Góða Ferð (good trip) follows a rucksack tourist on her journey around Iceland. Then Hringmiði (Full-Circle Passport) for the public bus system lets her travel around the island cheaply. Impressive images show how all one’s expectations about a trip to Iceland are fulfilled: deserted wilderness, never-ending distances, exciting adventures. The film wakes every yearning for travel. The various possibilities for the individual traveller – irrespective whether with his own car, rental car, as camper, bike tourist or hiker – along the round island road, are presented in this film. Producer and Cameraman The producer and cameraman, Frank Nagel, has long experience as a travel film maker and understands the methods of capturing the curiousity for people and landscapes. Through his many trips to Iceland Frank Nagel is well versed in the ways of the island and puts forward especially worthwhile travel goals, including those off the beaten track.