Not Another Tolkien Movie
美国 / 88 分钟



Just when you thought you had reached Tolkien overload, along comes an adaptation like none you've ever seen... a docu-comedy. The story chronicles writer/director/actor, Arthur Krize's (Brock Fanning), quest to bring a true-to-the-book adaptation of "The Lord of the Rings" to the big screen. His pairing with infomercial guru-turned movie producer, Ron Dupre (Dallas Shelby), turns out to be a mixed blessing. Ron's goal of turning a profit, turns Arthur's dream project into a nightmare. With a cast and crew of soap opera actors, hand models and Ukrainian pop-stars as well as some script changes to accommodate Ron's dealmaking (the addition of a Hip-Hop Hobbit and an awkward product placement) the production will keep you wondering what predicament lurks around the every corner until it culminates with the movie's premiere at the Mid-Atlantic Film Festival.

