The Unseen
美国 / 99 分钟



简介: 大学教授Roy Clemens (Steve Harris)在得知父亲去世后,回到了故乡。尽管很多年过去了,他的初恋情人Lucille (Catherine Dent)仍然等候着他。在他经营着家庭杂货店的同时,他发现自己无法真正的和Lucille再续前缘。因为他必须面对只有他和童年好友Harold Dickerson (Gale Harold)才知道的可怕秘密。Roy曾经埋葬他的回忆离开过村子,但是Harold从未离开过,他和失明、单纯的弟弟Sammy (Phillip Bloch)住在摇摇欲坠的房子里。Sammy恳求Roy把他救出哥哥设下的“监狱”,并迫使Roy以亲情、信任和爱来直面难题。Sammy善良的心使两位好朋友尽弃前嫌。Roy和Harold必须克服他们隐瞒的痛苦过去让他们感到的罪恶感还有面对未曾被看到的那些事。 After the death of his father, college professor Roy Clemens (Steve Harris) returns to his rural hometown, where, despite the years, his first love, Lucille (Catherine Dent), is still waiting for him. As Roy finds himself running the family store, he is unable to truly settle in or rekindle his relationship with Lucille until he first confronts the horrific secret shared only with his estranged childhood friend, Harold Dickerson (Gale Harold). But while Roy was able to bury his memories and escape, Harold never left the town, and now holds his blind and simple-natured brother, Sammy (Phillip Bloch), captive in their ramshackle house. Imploring Roy to release him from his brother's prison, Sammy forces Roy to confront his issues with affinity, trust, and love. It is the young man's forgiving spirit that enables these divided friends to reconcile. Roy and Harold must confront the guilt they feel for denying their tortured past and face THE UNSEEN.

