The Private Public
美国 / 90 分钟



Zeke Lareau and Auggie Jacobs are two college seniors who have never met. Both are only a semester away from graduation, or so they think. During a night out on the town, a bar scuffle breaks out and mistakenly lands them in the county jail. After spending the night in cells joined by a window, they discover that although their personalities are night and day in comparison, they both share personal desires for Auggie's extremely liberated ex-girlfriend, Laina, as well as a desire for the truth. Zeke and Auggie soon find themselves engulfed in local stardom after teaming up in film class for a locally broadcasted mini-documentary that reveals Laina's lesbian life style and Zeke and Auggie's unique interests in her. But that stardom soon places Zeke and Auggie in the greatest struggle of their lives when their second documentary, which exposes a nationally acclaimed professor as a sexual offender, is met by opposition from the university, as well as the local authorities.
