Toxic Soup
美国 / 89 分钟



"Toxic Soup" shares the stories of everyday Americans fighting to keep their blood, water and air safe from pollution. In Parkersburg, West Virginia, school teacher Joe Kiger uncovers C8, an unregulated chemical, in his community's drinking water. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, C8 can be found in 96 percent of Americans' blood. In Institute, WV, an explosion at the Bayer plant kills two plant workers and comes within 80 feet of a stockpile of MIC, the chemical responsible for the world's worst industrial accident in Bhopal, India, which has resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 people to date. In Louisville, KY, west-end resident Eboni Cochran petitions city council to set standard operating procedures for chemical leak and odor investigations in the Rubbertown district. She has been petitioning for more than five years.

