Lost in the Shadows
美国 / 56 分钟



In 1959, filmmaker Michael Colin's father went to Havana to make a movie about Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution. While there, he met a Cuban dancer named Olga, whom he married after being granted a divorce. In July of 1961 he showed up in Los Angeles at three in the morning and pounded on his ex-wife's door, yelling that he had been imprisoned and tortured in Cuba while working on a frog farm for the CIA. The police came, he was arrested and a psychiatrist diagnosed him as a paranoid schizophrenic. He spent the remaining years of his life a broken human being. Michael Colin grew up barely knowing his father. In fact, for most of his life, this was all Colin knew about his father's erratic behavior: Something happened to him. In Cuba. On a CIA frog farm. Part historical mystery, part Oliver Stone movie, LOST IN THE SHADOWS documents Colin's quest to learn what really happened to his father.
