La casa del padre
意大利 / 70 分钟



A portrait of Italian architect Franco d'Ayala Valva by his son, who attempts to understand his father by immersing himself in his life and work. A controversial father of six, married three times, this 81-year old disciple of American genius Frank Lloyd Wright, has spent more than fifty years building houses around the world and has no intention of stopping, even when faced with the fracture of his leg. By following his father's tumultuous life both at home and at work over two years, the son explores a life where the boundary between the professional and the family spheres is blurred. From the rolling hills of Chianti, where he has been building his own home for 20 years, to the desert of Arizona, where he lived in Wright's bizarre "Taliesin" community, to the cities of Mexico where we discover whether his first buildings are still standing or not, The House of the Father documents a son's search for identity and his father's quest to complete a life's work.
