116 Muscles
美国 / 71 分钟



Climax; The utmost. The maximum. The zenith. That point where one realizes they can no longer rise. These moments can be the most powerful moments in a person's life. When someone truly feels alive. As such, these moments can be intensely addictive. What if, however, in the pursuit of these moments to make life worth living, you put your life in danger; threatening the very life it is enriching. Would you still pursue, or live a life without the moments that make you love it? One Hundred and Sixteen Muscles tells this tale. Royal Maxwell is a man with a past as fractured as his psyche is addicted to the true climax. When the human body reaches full climax, 116 MUSCLES all contract at the same time, producing a feeling incomparable from any other climax you can achieve. Royal, has tasted this, and doesn't plan to stop drinking from the cup until it has run dry, no matter what is takes to reach it. Mrs.
