Wo Men De Zhu Ren Jia A! Jiu Zhe Yang Qu Le
中国大陆 / 353 分钟



影片《我们的主人家啊!就这样去了》是作者在2006 年11月至2007年3月拍摄于云南省丽江市玉龙纳西族自治 县乡村。以三个地点为主要考察对象:纳西族在高原坝 子聚居地拉市乡和黄山乡,纳西族在高原山地聚居地塔 城乡。 作品以3220分钟HDV磁带,3000张数码照片,百万 字地方史料为素材,最终作品时长353分钟,杂糅了视 频、图片、文本的混合录像。 作品的后期剪辑合成自2007年6月开始,定稿完成于 2009年5月。 作者以拓扑学入门媾和中国章回体小说体例, 拓扑为 体,章回为用, 确定作品结构,制作了一部59个章节回 目的录像作品。 每个章节皆为拓扑学中莫比乌斯带上的任意一点,在 作品局部看似结构相近的两个章节,整体却可能有不同 的结构。每个章节皆为独立的纤维丛,章节之间互为中 心,互为犄角。 章回体小说“讲史”的方式体现在作品中,则是在每 一章节的讲说以前,用标题向听众揭示主要内容。内容 从劳作、歌唱、植物动物、民族史碎片、民族关系、民 间外交、舞蹈、游戏、主观访谈、旅途偶遇、风物、祭 祀、婚丧、工艺制造中随机抽取,不一而足。 The film OUR HOST! IT’S ALREADY IN THE PAST has been taken in the villages of Yulong Naxi autonomous county of Lijiang, Yunnan, during 2006 Nov. to 2007 Mar. Mainly about three locations. Lashi village and Huangshan village, Naxi habitations on the highland sandbank. Tacheng village,Naxi habitations in the highland Mountain. It is basic on 3220mins HDV tapes, 3000 digital photos, millions of words local historical Materials. It is 353mins long when it is done. Mixed by videos, images, texts. The postproduction composed by 2007 Jun. Done by 2009 May. The director combined Topology ABC with Chapter-Fiction, took Topology as a basic, used chapter as a way, fixed the structure, made a video with 59 chapters. Taking each chapter as any point on the Möbius strip of Topology, the structures of any two chapters seems similar in details, but maybe different in the whole system. Taking each chapter as a independent fibre bundle, focusing and supporting each other. Telling story, the way of Chapter-Fiction happens in the work, with a subtitle telling the synopsis before each chapter. Randomization in farming, singing, propagation, fragmentary national history, national relationship, folk diplomatism, dancing, game, subjectively interview, journey accidental meeting, scenery, sacrifice, marriage &funeral, craft producing.
