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1978年夏天,古灵精怪的玛雅必须在暑假结束前学会阅读写字,才不用重读一年级,整天只想玩乐的她搞得妈妈快要抓狂。有天,失踪20年的外公突然到访,他过去因外遇抛弃妻女,现在却希望与女儿们和解。玛雅的妈妈米哈决定让重病的父亲住进家中,但阿姨娜欧米却不愿原谅,双方引发争执。这时候,一个关于爸爸外遇的谣言,让玛雅愤怒又伤心……本片处理男人婚外情对妻子和孩子的伤害,以及姊妹间细腻的情感;色彩经过精心设计,复古缤纷。 It is the summer of 1978, a month to go until the Camp David peace accords, but Michal is not worried by world affairs. Her 7 year old daughter Maya has yet to learn how to read and write and her teacher wants to hold her back a year. Michal rises to the occasion and vows that by the end of the summer Maya will read, write and move on to the next grade. But this summer is set to be full of surprises for the family. Michal's father, Haim, who has been missing for twenty years, suddenly returns, and brings with him the family's dark past and hidden secrets. By summer's end Michal and her sister Naomi will have to deal with the past they have tried so hard to bury and the painful, yet liberating process will eventually lead them onto a new path.

