Baldur's Gate - Tales of the Sword Coast



Gorion's ward, the protagonist of the first Baldur's Gate game, gains access to two new areas on the game's map. The first one is a very small coastal town called Ulgoth's Beard, located on the Sword Coast, the western shore of the continent of Faerun along the Sea of Swords. There, the ward and his party learn of Balduran, the legendary seafaring explorer and founder of Baldur's Gate, who disappeared long ago on one of his seafaring adventures. A shady character asks the ward to travel to an uncharted island, where Balduran might have ended up shipwrecked and died. Any personal artifacts of his would be priceless on the market and the person that were to discover what happened to him would be hailed as a legend. However, the island ends up being in a state of emergency. The overtly friendly locals claim that beasts from the forest are attacking their small town constantly and ask for the ward's help. However, the island holds a dark secret.
