I Think We're Alone Now
美国 / 70 分钟



This is a strange little documentary. It looks at two obsessed fans of 80's star Tiffany—Jeff Turner, a 50 year-old man diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, and Kelly McCormick, who was born intersexed—and it meanders along painting a portrait that's likely to have you initially recoiling in horror at the "creepy stalkers", before you start to see them as just lonely and confused. But by the end, more than likely (especially in Turner's case), you'll consider them completely deranged. As a result of a distinct lack of access with the object of their desire, Tiffany, there are only brief glimpses of a deeper documentary; one which examines her relationship with obsessed fans (as seen at her lame gigs, almost all that are left) as well as their relationship with her. It doesn't manage to "say" anything as a result of the gaps, but was interesting in an exercise examining our own views on people with obsessions (i.e. they need help, really).

